Human Resources

Basic Policy

The KOBELCO Group believes that in order to fulfill its social responsibilities as a corporate group, it is important to develop human resources who understand and can implement its corporate philosophy. The Medium-Term Management Plan (Fiscal 2021–2023) particularly sets out the goals of “building a new personnel system to make changes, taking on challenges, and producing results,” “encouraging the growth of future generations and developing a spirit of taking on new challenges,” “further promoting work style reforms,” and “developing diversity and inclusion initiatives.” To achieve these, the KOBELCO Group is moving forward with a variety of initiatives.

Item Previous Plan Initiatives in the Medium-Term Management Plan (FY2021–2023)
Reforming the personnel system
  • Clarification of evaluation standards
  • Retirement age extension
  • Promoting feedback

Building a new personnel system to heighten awareness of making changes, taking on challenges, and producing results

  • Clarify expected roles and abilities
  • Review the seniority-based personnel system (with a focus on roles and results)
  • Make careful selections of managerial positions and promote the appointment of professional human resources
Strengthening personnel development
  • Leader training
    (strengthening selective training, promoting executive training)

Encouraging the growth of future generations and developing a spirit of taking on new challenges

  • • Early development and systematic placement of management personnel
  • Introduction and establishment of selective and autonomous education
  • Enhanced education to strengthen monozukuri capabilities
Diversity and inclusion (D&I)
  • Supporting women’s active participation
  • Improving work-life balance of all employees

Creating new value by utilizing the diversity of individuals

  • Strengthen support for diverse work styles and active participation of minorities
  • Improve internal communication and build a diversity network*
  • * Grassroots activities where volunteers work on improving D&I in the workplace
Work style reforms
  • Promoting telecommuting
  • Increasing the number of paid days off taken
  • Improving meeting and email efficiency

Further promoting work style reforms

  • Business improvement and penetration of standard business practices
  • Improvement of the office work environment
  • Development of flexible work styles and employment systems

Development of Human Resources in Technical Positions

A technical competition

A technical competition

To maintain and enhance monozukuri capabilities that are the source of our competitiveness, we have established various types of educational programs that are centered on on-the-job training (OJT) and classified by rank and job type. Younger employees, up to their fifth year after joining the Company, gather at the Kakogawa training center every year, to receive education in the knowledge and skills required for operations. In addition, we work to enhance the technical level of employees by holding annual technical competitions and encouraging employees to acquire skill certifications.

For managers and supervisors, who play key roles in the workplace, we provide training programs that specialize in management and communication as well as basic knowledge of safety, the environment, quality, etc., and conduct training aimed at building a better work environment. Going forward, we will continue to review and modify the content and structure of internal education programs in accordance with every change in the environment, both inside and outside the Company.

Early Development and Systematic Placement of Management Personnel

We draw up succession plans for key positions at the general manager level and above, and conduct cross-field rotations for gaining a wide range of work experience. We also conduct selective training at multiple levels aimed at improving management skills.

Promoting a Shift to a Selective/Autonomous Education System

We are reducing the ratio of conventional standard/stratified programs, and shifting toward selective and autonomous education under the slogan “self-directed, self-driven.” While employees are encouraged to autonomously build their own careers and learn on their own, the Company will provide growth opportunities for them and support the active participation of diverse human resources.

Fiscal 2021 Results of Skills Development Training

Item Fscal 2019 Fscal 2020 Fscal 2021
Total training hours per year 347,495 210,948 215,667
Average training hours per person 30 18 19

Fiscal 2021 Results of Skills Development Training

Item Stratified Training Selective/Open Training Training on Individual Issues1 Language Training
Managers Career-Track
Total number of trainees 285 1,619 5,388 7,292 1,728 12,626 1,320
Total training hours 5,084 36,280 99,362 140,726 42,184 11,511 21,246
Average training hours per person 18 22 18 19 24 1 16
  • Note: Leader training (selective training, etc.) is included in stratified training for managerial positions for the purposes of this calculation.

    1. Training for various issues related to compliance and diversity, as well as safety and health training, etc.

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